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On the Engender is Scotland's feminist policy podcast. It is produced by Engender, and features experts from across the women's sector in Scotland. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a review.


Dec 18, 2017

Content note: This episode contains discussions of violence against women, including sexual assault.

Our final episode of 2017 focuses on one of the most talked about issues of women's inequality this year. Using the #MeToo movement as a jumping off point, we explore  violence against women, the use of sexual history evidence in Scottish courts, and where we go from here to ensure that the current focus on these issues creates tangible change for women. 

Host Alys Mumford chats with:

  • Emma Ritch, Engender's Executive Director
  • Sandy Brindley from Rape Crisis Scotland
  • Journalist Kirsty Strickland

and we also feature voices from the Write to End Violence Against Women Awards, as interviewed by Maxine Blane and Amanda Stanley.

There is not currently a transcript for this episode (but will be soon). You can find transcripts for our episodes from 2019 onwards.

This episode was produced by Amanda Stanley on behalf of Engender.

Jingle by Bossy Love.

Relevant resources mentioned in this podcast:

'Handle With Care: a guide to responsible media reporting of violence against women Produced by Zero Tolerance

The Write to End Violence Against Women Awards

The Ched Evans case puts rape reform back 30 years by Sandy Brindley & Michele Burman

Briefing Paper: Use of Sexual History and Character Evidence in Sexual Offence Trials