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On the Engender is Scotland's feminist policy podcast. It is produced by Engender, and features experts from across the women's sector in Scotland. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a review.


Jun 23, 2021

Exciting times here at On the Engender as we prepare for a podcast takeover by the 'Pass the Mic' network of women of colour, who will be running the podcast for the next few episode. 

Hear Alys Mumford and Pass the Mic founder Talat Yaqoob discuss what's coming up in this advert. 

Access a transcript of this advert...

Jun 8, 2021

In this episode, hosts Alys Mumford and Amanda Stanley are joined by Engender's Eilidh Dickson, and Caitlin Logan and Marie Spalding from One Parent Families Scotland. 

Hear from Caitlin and Marie about how young single parent families are up to £66.13 worse off per month under Universal Credit compared with the...