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On the Engender is Scotland's feminist policy podcast. It is produced by Engender, and features experts from across the women's sector in Scotland. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a review.


May 8, 2018

If we're talking about why governments decide to do things and we're not talking about the money, then we're missing half the argument. 

In this episode, Alys Mumford talks about gender budgeting, and why it's such a vital part of the fight for women's equality, with:

  • Angela O'Hagan, convener of the Scottish Women's Budget Group
  • Emma Ritch, Engender's Executive Director
  • Jill Wood, Engender's Policy Manager. 

During the podcast we mention the film 'Who's Counting' which can be accessed here, and our 7 principles for a gender-competent Scottish National Investment Bank which is here

Find out more about the Scottish Women's Budget Group and sign up as a member at

There is not currently a transcript for this episode (but will be soon). You can find transcripts for our episodes from 2019 onwards.

This episode was produced by Amanda Stanley on behalf of Engender.

Jingle by Bossy Love.