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On the Engender is Scotland's feminist policy podcast. It is produced by Engender, and features experts from across the women's sector in Scotland. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a review.


Sep 23, 2021

"Often we found that a term branded 'white feminism' has been used to talk about the fact that a lot of feminist activity, both historically and currently, focuses on and attracts more white women to it. And isn't talking about the multiple discriminations, the intersecting inequalities, that women of colour experience...

Sep 10, 2021

In the third episode of the Pass the Mic takeover of On the Engender, host Talat Yaqoob talks to Shasta Ali, Shubhanna Hussain-Ahmed, and Nathalia Urban to discuss COVID-19, and the disproportionate impact it has had on women of colour and communities of colour. 

Find out more about the Pass the Mic project here.
